[ 2013-6-14 ]同半胱胺酸(HCY Homocysteine ) 比知道膽固醇(cholesterol)指數更重要

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同半胱胺酸(HCY  Homocysteine ) 比知道膽固醇(cholesterol)指數更重要
原來檢驗同半胱胺酸 (HCY  Homocysteine ) 的濃度,甚致比知道膽固醇cholesterol指數更為重要, 因為它更能預估罹患心臟疾病和中風的風險率。  
在美國醫學界曾經以136 ,905名心臟病患者做了一個大規模調查,發現其中有75%人士的膽固醇指數是在正常指數範圍內; 另外,英國醫學期刊(British Medical Journal)的研究報告中指出,以佛萊明翰風險預估(Framingham risk score) 從年長人士的血壓、膽固醇、心電圖測量、糖尿病和抽煙等基數做出一個風險預測,發現是無法有效預測因心血管疾病致死的可能性;反而發現最準確的預測指標是同半胱胺酸(Homocysteine)數值 (人體在消化動物性蛋白後的副產品-氨基酸,若然濃度過高,就會很容易引發心肌梗塞,腦中風等心血管疾病) 。
在美國和德國,醫生很多時會為病人檢驗同半胱胺酸(Homocysteine)指數,但在英國和香港的醫生們就不常見。至今天為止,有超過萬項相關研究在醫學期刊上發表,同半胱胺酸數值低, 代表罹患中風、心臟病、妊娠與胎兒異常、記憶力衰退、憂鬱症、精神疾病、骨質疏鬆症及其他各種常見健康問題的風險也隨之減低。美
同半胱胺酸值13~17: 開始進入高危,在未來10到30年間罹患心臟疾病、中風、癌症或老年癡呆症的機率高達50% ;
究竟是同半胱胺導致老化,還是它只是受老化所影響?另外, 在醫學界也有一個重大發現,當癌症療程呈現良好反應的人,通常同半胱胺酸值會降低,當治療成效不佳,同半胱胺酸值則會偏高的。
目前確定有幾種生活形態因素會導致同半胱胺酸偏高:壓力、抽煙、咖啡因、缺乏運動,以及日常飲食中缺乏維他命B群,尤其是葉酸。至於飲酒,少而適量不在此列,研究顯示啤酒能稍微降低同半胱胺酸值,烈酒通常會讓它升高,所謂適量飲用,也就是一天不要超過兩杯或兩份。另外,抽煙越多,同半胱胺酸值就越高。一天抽20根煙以上,會使你的同半胱酸值比平常升高10%。一項研究顯示,完全戒煙,同半胱胺酸值會立刻下降,還有是經常性運動,同半胱胺酸值就越低;  但是,劇烈運動反而會使它升高。因此若經常做激烈運動人士,便需要注意身體健康和補充較多維他命B群。
喝越多咖啡,同半胱胺酸值就越可能升高。這似乎是因為咖啡因和存在於咖啡中的一種物質——綠原酸(chlorlgenic acid),無咖啡因咖啡會是比較好的選擇,不過仍有可能令同半胱胺酸值升高。
-要完全不喝咖啡、不抽煙、遵行素食 (選食優質魚類,如比目魚、三文魚除外)
(1)維生素B 6,
(2)維生素B12 (年長人士和素食者經常缺乏)
(3)葉酸 (必需配合其他維生素一同服食)
以下是美國有不同醫生,國際知名營養顧問對半胱胺酸值(HCY  Homocysteine ) 提出意見,各位可以登入他們的網站,以便得到更詳細資料:
(1) Lee Surkin M.D.
Homocysteine  -  An amino acid (one of the building blocks that makes up a protein) normally found in small amounts in the blood. Too much homocysteine in the blood may promote the buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries. For some people, high homocysteine levels are genetic. For others, it is because they do not get enough of certain B vitamins in their diet (B-12, B-6, and folic acid). Most people can keep their homocysteine levels in check by eating foods rich in B vitamins.
(2) Ray D. Strand, M.D.
(Author of What your doctor doesn’t know about Nutritional Medicine may be killing you)
Researchers accepted as fact that homocysteine was indeed an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.  Today the medical evidence is beyond dispute: homocysteine can help cause coronary artery disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease
(3) Duke Johnson, M.D. – Optimal Health Revolution
Homocysteine may not be considered a risk factor but rather an “associated” factor for heart disease. If you do not have established heart disease, have your homocysteine level checked.
(4) Hyla Cass, M.D. – Author of Supplement your prescription
A common amino acid call methionine is converted in the body to a dangerous chemical called homocysteine.  Wehen levels of vitamins B12, folate, and B6 are adequate in the body, homocysteine is quickly converted into non-toxic amino acids.  When these vitamins are depleted, homocysteine levels rise, and over time this contributes to serious problems such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and Alzheimer’s disease.   Homocysteine is directly harmful to blood vessel walls, and are linked to heart disease risk. Therefore, controlling homocysteine levels in the body is an important part of heart health.
(5) Earl Mindell, RPh, PhD – Author of New Vitamin Bible.
In combination with folic acid, it can help break down the amino acid homocystine, significantly lowering the risk of heart disease.Strengthen the immune system. Help prevent kidney stone formation. Aid in the conversion of tryptophan, an essential amino acid, to niacin.
Help prevent various nervous and skin disorders.  Lower homocysteine levels and reduce risk of heart disease.
(6) Patrick Holford – one of Britain’s leading nutrition experts.
Another marker for heart-attack risk that is as accurate as cholesterol is your blood level of the amino acid homocysteine. The way to reduce it is with B vitamins.
(7)Dr Helen Heneghan, Wael Tawfick, Sherif Sultan, Galway, Ireland  
Homocysteine levels, cardiovascular risk factors and complication rates in vascular surgery and endovascular surgery: there is a correlation